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    Privacy Policy

    Privacy Policy
    **Privacy Policy**

    ('our website') is committed to protecting the personal information and rights of users in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act and to handling any grievances related to personal information effectively. Our privacy policy is as follows: Our website will notify users through website announcements (or individual notifications) if any changes are made to the privacy policy. ○ This policy is effective from July 1, 2024. 1. Purpose of Processing Personal Information Our website processes personal information for the following purposes. The personal information will not be used for any purposes other than those listed below, and prior consent will be obtained if the purpose of use is changed. a. Handling product inquiries Personal information is processed for purposes such as verifying the identity of the applicant and notifying the results of the processing. b. Providing goods or services Personal information is processed for the purpose of providing services, etc. 2. Items of Personal Information Processed Our website processes the following personal information items: a. - Required items: Company name, Name, Phone number, Email 3. Rights and Obligations of Information Subjects and Methods of Exercise Users can exercise the following rights as subjects of personal information: a. Information subjects can exercise the following rights at any time concerning the protection of personal information with our website: ① Request to view personal information ② Request for correction if there are errors ③ Request for deletion ④ Request to stop processing b. The exercise of rights according to 'a' can be made through written, email, or fax communication in accordance with Form No. 8 of the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act, and our website will take action without delay. c. If the information subject requests correction or deletion of personal information due to errors, our website will not use or provide the concerned personal information until the correction or deletion is completed. d. The exercise of rights according to 'a' can be made through a legal representative of the information subject or a delegated person. In this case, a power of attorney in accordance with Form No. 11 of the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act must be submitted. 4. Destruction of Personal Information Our website, in principle, destroys personal information without delay when the purpose of processing is achieved. The procedures, deadlines, and methods of destruction are as follows: - Destruction procedure Information entered by users is transferred to a separate DB (or separate documents in the case of paper) after the purpose is achieved, and stored for a certain period (3 years for technical support requests) according to internal policies and other related laws, or destroyed immediately (in the case of education applications, online consultations). The personal information transferred to the DB will not be used for any other purposes unless required by law. - Destruction deadline Personal information will be destroyed within 5 days from the end date of the retention period, or within 5 days from the date it is deemed unnecessary, such as the achievement of the purpose of processing, discontinuation of the service, or termination of the business. - Destruction method Information in electronic file format is destroyed using a technical method that prevents the records from being reproduced. 5. Measures to Ensure the Safety of Personal Information Our website takes the following technical, administrative, and physical measures necessary to ensure safety as stipulated by Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act: a. Conduct regular self-audits Regular (annual) self-audits are conducted to ensure the stability of personal information handling. b. Minimize and train personal information handling staff Employees handling personal information are designated and limited to specific individuals to implement measures for managing personal information. c. Technical measures against hacking Our website installs security programs, updates and inspects them regularly, installs systems in restricted access areas, and monitors and blocks unauthorized access to prevent personal information leakage and damage caused by hacking or computer viruses. d. Access control to unauthorized persons Access control procedures are established and operated for physical storage devices that store personal information. 6. Contact Information for Personal Information Management Users can report all privacy-related complaints arising from the use of the provider's services to the person responsible for personal information management or the relevant department. The provider will promptly and adequately respond to users' reports. Personal Information Manager Phone: 0507-1464-0107 For other reports or consultations regarding personal information infringement, please contact the following organizations: - Personal Dispute Mediation Committee ( / 1336) - Information Protection Mark Certification Committee ( / 02-580-0533~4) - Supreme Prosecutors' Office High-Tech Crime Investigation Department ( / 02-3480-2000) - Cyber Terror Response Center ( / 02-392-0330) 7. Protection of Personal Information of Children Under 14 Children under 14 must obtain consent from their legal guardians before signing up as members. Legal guardians can request to view, correct, delete some information, or withdraw consent for their children’s personal information at any time, and the company must take necessary measures without delay in response to such requests. 8. Miscellaneous Please note that this "Privacy Policy" does not apply to the acts of collecting personal information by websites linked on this site. 9. Obligation to Notify If there are additions, deletions, or modifications to the current privacy policy, they will be notified through the 'Announcements' section on the website at least 7 days prior to the implementation of the changes. - Announcement Date: July 1, 2024 - Effective Date: July 1, 2023

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